The Macrozoning of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte is one of the steps guided by the Metropolitan Plan of Integrated Development for the RMBH1’s planning. The PDDI2, released by the Government of the State in 2011, is today the main tool for the planning of the RMBH.
Likewise, in PDDI, the Macrozoning shall count on a team of researchers of the UFMG to develop the studies and proposals responsible to comprehend, map, and attribute the parameters of use and occupation for the Zones of Metropolitan Interest – the ZIMs, which are spaces whose potential or existent qualities may be relevant to the metropolitan scale.
The directives on the PDDI point to the path ahead on the year of 2014 to draw the ZIMs. This spatial planning, above the municipal planning, can be the instrument of the metropolitan spatial restructuring, by pointing to the cities a better distribution of the benefits, by identifying its fragilities and potentialities, besides the challenge of harmonizing the housing, industrial and mining booms with other equally important uses to the metropolitan life.
The coordinator of the work, Roberto Luís Monte-Mór, points out that the macrozoning’s main product is a territorial proposal, which will be based on the scientific approach, as well on the popular knowledge.
The project involves many departments of the UFMG and counts on the institutional technical support of the Metropolitan Agency as well. The project began on the end of 2013 and counted a row of visits to the 34 town halls of the RMBH. The first step was to present the proposal of the Macrozoning to the municipalities and request them to join the creation of the ZIMs.
Since 2013 until now there has already taken place three technical seminars with the presence of representation of the civil society, the metropolitan institutions, the technicians of the city halls, the Macrozoning team, and the political and communitarian leaders. These reunions promoted the debate and improved the proposal for the first cycle of Participative Workshops.
The city of New Lime inaugurated the row of five events designated to debate the metropolitan interests and their locations. The following events were scheduled to happen from February to March in Florestal, Brumadinho, Sabará and Matozinhos.
Check the schedule for the next events and join them!
1 It refers to the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. The original acronym was kept to preserve its identity.
2 It refers to the Metropolitan Plan of Integrated Development. The original acronym was kept to preserve its identity.